Thursday, April 20, 2017

Captain Marvel digital inks

I recently purchased a Yiynova MVP20U+FE tablet monitor.  I've worked mostly "traditionally" to this point but have recently been feeling an increased desire to branch out and start doing more digitally.  I considered purchasing a Cintiq but, given the price, felt that a less expensive alternative would be a better starting point.  If this digitally thing doesn't take it's probably easier to be out a few hundred bucks than $1000+.  The Yiynova products were getting some very good reviews so I thought I'd give it shot.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

DC Workshop page 5

Page 5 of my DC Talent Workshop submission.  The big finish!  Business guys, old west madams and desperadoes, superheroes, and cavemen.  All on one page for you viewing enjoyment!