Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Captain America shield up for auction!

Almost two years ago, at Valleycon 40, Alan Lindahl donated a sweet custom painted Captain America shield to the charity auction.  As the story goes, he purchased the shield (sans Cap paint job) at a renaissance fair about five years prior.  Since he couldn't find anything to do with it he decided to paint it up and donate it to the auction.

The auction was won by Matthew Rolfson.  He almost immediately approached me (I was at my table and had missed the auction) asking if I would be able to get some signatures on it so that he could re-donate it to the auction at Valleycon 41.  I was hesitant at first because I don't exactly know a lot of people in the comics industry but, I was planning on attending some conventions in the coming year and figured I would be able to get some autographs there.

During the year I was able to get about ten signatures (including Stan Lee!) and brought it to Valleycon 41.  I hadn't seen Matthew, or even spoke with him, since VC 40 so he had no idea Stan (or anyone else) had signed it.  To be honest, I wasn't even entirely certain he still planned to donate it.  Fortunately, he did and it was up for auction once again.

And that's when I bought it.

So, in the past year I wound up getting about twenty more signatures.  And now it's almost time for Valleycon 42.  The shield will be up for auction again!  The show takes place October 14-16 at the Baymont Inn in Fargo, ND.  Just as last year, the auction will be held Saturday evening (October 15th).

Here's what you'd be bidding on:

It's a metal shield and quite heavy.  It has two leather straps on the back and, as you can see, it has a great paint job.

From here I'm sure it's a bit difficult to see who has signed it other than perhaps Stan Lee's signature in the star.  Here's a run down of the signers (in alphabetical order based on first name since I don't want to make it look like I'm assigning a ranking of some kind.  Even though there are some legends on the list).  I've also included a link attached to the name.  It may not be the link they would choose but hopefully it gives a fair representation.  Hopefully I didn't forget anyone!

Tom Nguyen (Tom also drew the pic of Cap)

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