Sunday, January 20, 2019


Please say hello to....Bloodjack!
The inspiration for Bloodjack is from the "What's your Rob Liefeld name" meme that has circulating the internet. If you've ever spent a few minutes on social media sites, you should be familiar with how these work. In this case, you use the first letter of your first name and first letter of your last name and are assigned with two words which, when combined, are your "Rob Liefeld name." Mine, of course, is Bloodjack. You can see the meme by clicking here.

If you're not familiar, Rob Liefeld is a popular - and polarizing - comic book artist/creator. He achieved his largest amount of success in the late 80s/early 90s. He co-created Deadpool, launched "X-Force" at Marvel, and was a co-founder of Image Comics. He was even responsible for getting Image off the ground by publishing their first comic, "Youngblood."

He's known for gritty, "extreme" character types. Visually, many of them include big guns, lots of swords and knives, huge amounts of hair, numerous pouches, and infamously large shoulder pads. My God, the shoulder pads. He catches alot of flak for this. Many people look back at his heyday in the comics industry with particular levels of disdain. I'll admit, while I haven't really followed Rob's work for a number of year, I started reading comics around the same time he was "hitting it big" and will freely admit that I was a fan. 

Drawing Bloodjack was a great time because I let me relive my youth a little bit. It was fun because I was able to throw practicality to the wind and just draw whatever I felt would look cool. So many elements were added for no other reason than there was room to add it. 

The meme is cool and there are several awesome sounding combinations, but I feel I am fortunate that my "name" works as well as it does. In fact, if a character named Bloodjack doesn't already exist, I'm kind of surprised. Not all of the combos work as well. I could have been Bladeblade, Doomdoom, or even... *ahem*...Blackhunter. I would not have drawn a version of Blackhunter, I can assure you.

Hope you like it! I had a great time working on it. So much so that I'm thinking of coming up with a backstory for him.

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